Kijabe and Back and Then to Mali

After venturing to Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa with my husband in 2006, I embarked on an even greater adventure in 2007. I took two mission trips to a remote village in Mali, West Africa in both July and September with some women from church. Here's a bit of my story.

Location: Northwest Arkansas

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

On Being in K'Village

Why have the women and children of K'Village touched me so deeply? How is it that God has brought healing thru them? How is it that He has captured my heart in a strange new way? That sounds so trite, so platitudinous, but how else do I try to express what has happened? I may never understand His healing touch, but I’ve felt it.

I didn’t go to K'Village looking for a profound change in me. I didn’t really expect much at all. I went because I knew I had to be obedient to God’s call on my heart to go. I didn’t have any delusions of grandeur that I would be the star of the team. To the contrary, I struggled that the others on the team connected more readily with the women and children than did I, but God reminded me I’m not the “other members of the team.” I am me, created by Him as me. He knew why He wanted me to be in K'Village.

My steady prayer has been that God would use me in whatever way He chose to do so, that He would bring my heart in tune with His, that I would not desire self-gratification for having been there, that it wouldn’t be about me and what I got out of the trip, but it would be about Him and what He is doing and how He wanted me to join Him in His work.

I struggled at first with my role on the team. As I prayed much, God drew me closer to Him. I settled in, content to be used in whatever way He wanted to use me. Contentment brought peace and I found my niche in serving, in praying, in taking photos. I sincerely tried to capture His heart thru my pictures, praying as I looked thru the lens of my camera, hoping to see His heart reflected in the images before me.

The sounds of the night here in Northwest Arkansas carry me back to the night sounds of K'Village. The silent darkness with subtle whispers of passing villagers, the brae of donkeys in the distance, the grandeur of the night sky proclaiming the God of wonders, and the ever so slight breeze moving the trees. How can the night be so still and yet so full of sound? How can the stars thunder His glory in such silent format?

Lying in my little tent, staring at His wonders, in the quietness of the night I hear the sounds of God’s people praying. It’s not an audible sound, yet it’s a deafening roar as His people at home storm heaven for God to work in K'Village.

“And all God’s children singing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, He reigns, He reigns.”


Blogger michele said...


My dear you have a beautiful gift!
You photos are personal and captivating, your words are intimate and inspiring. Thank you so much 1st for going, and 2nd for taking us along!

Thank you Father for the work you are doing and please bring more laborers and move among these beautiful people with your Holy Spirit that they may know salvation in Christ. In you Son's Holy Name.

Mark McCune

8:25 PM CDT  

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