Kijabe and Back and Then to Mali

After venturing to Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa with my husband in 2006, I embarked on an even greater adventure in 2007. I took two mission trips to a remote village in Mali, West Africa in both July and September with some women from church. Here's a bit of my story.

Location: Northwest Arkansas

Monday, July 23, 2007

. . . Come Unto Me

I peered through my camera lens, drawn by their eyes that pierced deep into my heart. They ran and laughed and teased and played and fought. They jostled to be the closest to my camera or to be the only one in the picture. They giggled and danced when they'd see themselves on the little screen of my camera . . . or pout when they weren't the center of attention. Children are children the world over.

I thought of Jesus' words, "Let the little children come unto Me," but the children of "K" Village are least important. They are loved, but their needs are not foremost. They are the last to eat -- they are always last.

Do these children know Jesus? Who is telling them that "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world" -- or will they be the last to know Him?


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