Kijabe and Back and Then to Mali

After venturing to Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa with my husband in 2006, I embarked on an even greater adventure in 2007. I took two mission trips to a remote village in Mali, West Africa in both July and September with some women from church. Here's a bit of my story.

Location: Northwest Arkansas

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Journey

Reflecting with awe on the journey I’ve taken -- not the journey I’ve just finished, but in fact, a journey I’ve just begun -- I realize it is a journey with God to areas of my life I’ve not yet allowed Him to venture. A journey into hidden places of my heart into which He has longed to shine His light, to reveal Himself to me in ways I’ve heretofore refused to travel.
The women of "K" Village have changed my life. Those children – God love those children – have captured my love and brought healing to my heart. The faces of "K" Village are etched forever in my mind’s eye, and my own eyes see life with new vision. The sounds of laughter and singing echo in my ears. When I’m quiet, I hear the soft whispers of the children waiting in the shadows of night to come sit under our thatched canopy – waiting for us to play with them, hug them, laugh with them. With a smile on my face I remember the night I sat patiently while two little girls attempted diligently to braid my half-inch long hair, determined to conquer the challenge. Accepting the inevitable, we laughed and hugged – their dark faces and bright smiles dancing happily in spite of their defeat.
God’s love and grace are being showered upon the people of "K" Village. I long to return and once again share God’s heart of love, to join Him in what He is doing in this quiet little village in Mali.
Thank You, Jesus, for the privilege of traveling with You.


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