Kijabe and Back and Then to Mali

After venturing to Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa with my husband in 2006, I embarked on an even greater adventure in 2007. I took two mission trips to a remote village in Mali, West Africa in both July and September with some women from church. Here's a bit of my story.

Location: Northwest Arkansas

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Masaai Mara Safari Highlights

We're standing outside our tent home at Mara Safari Club in Maasi Mara, where we went on safari with Richard and Ruth, June 7-9. The two scenic pictures are the view from the porch of our tent.

Keep in mind that Gene and I took these pictures, which shows how reasonably close we were able to come to these animals. Mr. and Mrs. Lion strolled by us, appearing totally bored by our presence. Mr. Lion was making soft growling sounds to her as they passed, as though he was saying, "Honey, just keep on walking and ignore them. They're only those ridiculous tourists!"

I personally did not like being so close to the elephants. They are SO huge, and one charge from them at our little Land Cruiser, and we'd be history.

Notice Mama Cheetah seated on the hood of one of the safari vehicles. She was calm, cool, collected, posing for us. What isn't clear from the pictures is that there is an open roof on each vehicle so we can stand up and take pictures.

Up above is a picture of the landing strip at Maasi Mara and the plane that took us to and from Nairobi. Even though the landing strip was dirt, it was really quite smooth, and both the landing and take-off were very uneventful.

These pictures aren't placed exactly as I wanted them to be, but I'm still figuring all this out. But at least, there are pictures. Talk to you again soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mom and Dad. It's good to see your photos and just to see you. We miss you and love you. Nice hat Dad. Is that one new for the trip? It looks the part. Have fun. When you get back to AR you'll be missing Africa. Enjoy it while you can and know that we'll all bee waiting for you when you get back. Hugs nad Kisses XOXOXO....CB

11:49 PM CDT  

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