Kijabe and Back and Then to Mali

After venturing to Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa with my husband in 2006, I embarked on an even greater adventure in 2007. I took two mission trips to a remote village in Mali, West Africa in both July and September with some women from church. Here's a bit of my story.

Location: Northwest Arkansas

Friday, June 09, 2006

Jambo Jambo

Jambo -- which being interpreted means in Swahili, "Hello, hello." After spending the better part of three days in the bush country of Kenya, observing God's wild creatures in their home turf, we are back to civilization, as we settle in here at Kijabe.

To back up a few days, our flight from XNA (Northwest Arkansas) to Chicago to London to Nairobi was without incident. As we approached Customs in Nairobi with all 10 of our suitcases, the agent looked at us, and wanted to know what the two of us were going to do with so much stuff. We told him we were taking it to friends in Kijabe. He began to question us as to what kind of stuff and why, at which time I threw in the fact that, "We're also taking birthday gifts from Grandmas and Grandpas to a couple little girls." To which he replied, "Okay. Go on thru." We didn't have to open a single suitcase! That is amazing.

Standing in the line at Nairobi Airport to get our visas, we looked over to the next line, and there stood Herb and Ruth Anderson, missionary friends from Church of the Open Door. We were on the same flight from London, but didn't know it. They too were going to Mayfield House for the night, so all of us and all our excess baggage and their bags were wisked off to Mayfield House in Nairobi, the lovely missionary guest house owned by Africa Inland Mission.

Following a good rest (for everyone but me -- I couldn't sleep), we stored our bags at Mayfield and were driven thru Nairobi's morning traffic to Wilson Airport, for our Kenyan Air flight to the private air strip of the Mara Safari Club. Now, if you've ever experienced Tijuana traffic, it's a Sunday drive compared to Nairobi. Pedestrians dash across the roads in front of you. There seem to be no traffic laws other than, don't hit anyone or anything. Ruth suggested we close our eyes!

The flight to Maasi was short. We landed on a dirt airstrip, and were met by Kenyan tour guides with their Land Cruisers and taken to our tents -- which were very nice and comfortable. After lunch, we headed out on a 3 hour animal hunt. Those of you who think you've been off-roading before, don't know what it means to off-road until you've done it in Kenya!

By the way, did you know that a giraffe walks like a lady wearing high heels? Or that a warthog can't remember what happened two minutes before? That hyenas truly are as ugly as their pictures? That elephants are REALLY big? That the cheetah is an awesome animal? As several safari vehicles gathered around a Mama Cheetah, she casually walked up and parked herself on the bonnet "hood" of one of them. After basquing in the sun for 10 minutes or so, she jumped down and moved on. We saw her again the next day, but this time with her two little cubs.

That'll do it for tonight. Hopefully I'll have picures tomorrow or the next day, and I'll tell you about our E-Ticket ride from Nairobi to Kijabe, and all the Matatus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jambo Jambo back atcha. WOW....Sounds amazing. Something that has to be experienced first hand to really understand. You are blessed. Sue

4:07 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola from California! (we're so bilingual!) Great to hear y'all are back in one piece. Glad that mama cheetah wasn't hungry! Blessings. Kathy

4:10 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fodder for a tale for the grandkids, eh? Looking forward to pictures. BBJ

7:41 AM CDT  
Blogger Hokule'a Kealoha said...

Aloha from home, sounds like you are having the time of your life! The home fires are burning for your return but untill then we cant wait to hear about your next adventure!

5:50 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like a true African safari to start your adventure! What fun ... it is great to read about it ... just wish I could have been with you! Love to everyone.

10:54 PM CDT  

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